Student Concert – June 2016

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Leia, 7, and myself play ‘Brand New Day’

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Daniel, 8, plays ‘King Arthur’s Adventure’

My student concerts are becoming a twice-annual event now and I held my latest one on June 25th 2016 at St Mary with St Alban’s Church in Teddington.

Twenty-two of my students aged between 4 and 12 performed to an audience of over fifty family members and friends.  Three of the students included their own compositions in their performance.

Once again, all the students had worked really hard in preparing their pieces, and each one introduced themselves and their pieces clearly and acknowledged the audience’s applause with a bow following their playing.

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Ella, 4, plays ‘Welcome to My Home’

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Charlie, 11, plays her own composition “Chameleon”

In hosting my concerts, I hope to create enjoyable events that allow the students to share their music and enable their friends and families to see the results of their work.  In addition, the experience provides a great boost to the students’ confidence. It is particularly rewarding to see how the students grow in confidence over time as they become more experienced in performing.  Every one of my  students deserves to feel really proud of themselves!



Personalised biscuits for all the performers 


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